sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

People sassemblies

Monday May 23rd 7pm Marchmont Centre

This is the event that Glyn from Hackney mentioned at the assembly today. It's on monday and it's main purpose is to organise how best to support the strike that is now being planned by many public service workers, teachers and others on june 30th. suggestions are already coming from students groups to make democracy camps, picnics and assemblies in city squares and at town halls (local government council buildings) across the country in solidarity with both the strikers AND the Spanish Democracy Revolution.

Also: Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=210022002362738

So, it would be great to have you there!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. In the mail list of hacktivistas.net takes a long time developing free tools for civic activism.

    xmailer is an example for to send citizens messages to hundreds of politicians.

  2. Yesterday Mark Barrett, who takes part of a movement called peoplesassemblies and CRD (Campaign for Real Democracy), participated in the debate we had. He is very interested in moving forward together and joining forces with them. They are having an assembly meeting tomorrow evening and it would be great if some of us could join them to explain them what we are doing and see what we can do together. Also, it would be good to inform the people in Madrid about these kind of initiatives so if you have contacts there, let them know or put them in contact with Mark and the other people interested.
    Please if you would like to join Mark on Monday or you are interested in this, give a shout!
    Some more links...
